Friday, December 18, 8:30-9:30 A.M.- Farm Talk Breakfast- Winter Supplementation for Beef Cattle:
Join us for December's Farm Talk Breakfast with guest speaker- Chris Penrose of Morgan County OSU Extension on appropriate dietary supplementation for beef cattle maintained on winter pasture.
Tuesday, January, 26, 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. 2021 Cow-Calf Outlook Webinar-
Join the OSU Extension Beef Team as we kick off 2021 with our Ohio Cow-Calf Outlook meeting. This program will take a look at the cattle markets and how management decisions influence marketing outcomes, including calf value in the marketplace. Contact information: Garth Ruff,
Presenter: Dr. Kenny Burdine, Livestock Marketing Specialist University of Kentucky Extension Must Pre-Register online to receive Zoom webinar link.
Cow-Calf Management School Update-
OSU Extension had planned to offer a cow-calf management school in Noble County this winter, but these have recently been revised to be virtual sessions with the plan to offer in-person events later in 2021 that complement the material offered in the virtual format. Session topics will focus on forage management, breeding season management, genetic selection, brood cow longevity, semen handling, feeder calf management, and culling decisions. Virtual sessions will be offered over multiple webinars staggered throughout the winter. Any updates or changes to the program will be communicated when known. Contact OSU Extension Beef Cattle Field Specialist- Garth Ruff for related questions at or 740-651-7140.
Beef Quality Assurance Update-
Localized plans for Beef Quality Assurance recertification classes are also in development for the Noble-Guernsey area with tentative dates scheduled for in-person classes in February. These plans are also subject to change due to the pandemic, but we will contribute our best efforts to make them available to all beef producers seeking recertification. Additional details will be announced and those with certification expiring in 2021 will be individually notified of available classes.