Christine Gelley serves the Noble County area as the Agriculture and Natural Resource Educator for The Ohio State University through the Noble County Extension Office. Recently, Ms. Gelley was recognized for two significant agricultural service contributions on a state and national scale.
On July 7, 2021, Ms. Gelley was recognized as one of two Ohio Achievement Award Winners at the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting. Ohio annually selects two members with less than 10 years of service each year for this award at the NACAA National Conference. Recipients are nominated by their peers for exemplary contributions in Extension service and programming on a local level. Lee Beers of Trumbull County OSU Extension was also nominated and recognized during the meeting.
While assisting with a forage field day in Wayne County on July 9, 2021, Ms. Gelley was presented the Jack Tucker Distinguished Service Award by the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council. Traditionally, service and producer awards are presented at the OFGC Annual Meeting in February each year, but due to the pandemic the 2021 meeting was held virtually, and the award ceremony was postponed until the organizations summer forage field day series. Ms. Gelley currently serves as the OFGC Board Vice President and represents OSU Extension through coordinating and teaching forage programs and assisting with communication efforts to the public.
Christine Gelley has been employed by Noble County OSU Extension since March 2016. Her programming focuses include livestock and crop production, farm management, natural resource management, and home horticulture. Along with offering local programs and collaborating on statewide teams, Ms. Gelley is a weekly contributor to The Journal Leader through her Ag Line column.
Extension education in Noble County is made possible by local levy support, which is up for renewal on the ballot this fall.