January 13, 2020 - 11:07am -- stewart.1818@osu.edu

Recently, two Ohio State University Extension community development fact sheets were published on Ohioline.

Read More: https://comdev.osu.edu/news/newest-community-development-fact-sheets-published-ohioline

Planning and Conducting Effective Public Meetings (CDFS-1555), revised by Gwynn Stewart, educator, CD, Ohio State University Extension-Noble County, and Cynthia Bond, assistant professor and educator, CD, OSU Extension-Guernsey County. Public organization leaders and local government officials are often required to conduct public meetings for a variety of reasons as part of their duties. This fact sheet guides organizers, facilitators, and presenters through the process of planning and conducting effective public meetings.

Tech Recipe: Starting A Scholastic Drone Racing Team (CDFS-1576), written by Meghan Thoreau, educator, CD, Ohio State University Extension-Pickaway County. This fact sheet provides a complete recipe, answering basic questions and providing simple how-to guidance, for prospective schools and teachers who want to learn more about what it takes to start a drone racing team.

Ohioline is an information resource produced by Ohio State University Extension. Through Ohioline, you have access to hundreds of OSU Extension fact sheets covering a wide array of subjects such as agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, community development, and 4-H youth development.