The County of Noble intends to apply to the Ohio Department of Development for funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Program, a federally funded program administered by the State. The county is eligible for $150,000 for Fiscal Year 2024 CDBG funding, provided the county meet applicable program requirements.
The first public hearing will be held on Monday, February 26, 2024 at 3 p.m. at the OSU Extension – Noble County Office located at 46049 Marietta Road, Large Conference Room, Caldwell, Ohio 43724 to provide citizens with pertinent information about the CDBG program, including an explanation of eligible activities including: Economic Development projects; parks; acquisition and improvements, demolition of unsafe facilities; rehabilitation of housing and neighborhood facilities. The activities must be designed to primarily benefit low and moderate-income individuals, aid in the elimination of slum or blight, or meet an urgent need of the community.
The Community Development Implementation Strategy (CDIS) meeting will also be held on Monday, February 26, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. to gather information to process to prepare the CDIS list, a planning document that is required as part of the county’s CDBG application in 2024. At the meeting, all CDBG-funded programs will be discussed.
Citizens are encouraged to attend this meeting to provide their input into the county’s proposed award of the CDBG program.
For additional information, contact Dawn Schultheis, Community Development Program Coordinator, OSU Extension Noble County, 46049 Marietta Road, Suite 2, Caldwell, Ohio 43727 at 740-305-3183.