Survey Letters Mailed June 24!
In an effort to secure funding from the State of Ohio through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for construction of a new water supply line, the Noble County Commissioners have requested that The Ohio State University Extension, Noble County Community Development program assist the Noble County Water Authority with the project income survey. Approximately 100 households in portions of Buffalo, Center & Noble Townships will receive the survey in the mail this month.
The survey letters were to households in the potential project area. Your participation in this survey is very important and needed within two weeks of receipt. It is a simple, one-page income survey form. Under the program guidelines, if mailed surveys are not returned in a timely fashion, a project representative will then visit the household to attempt survey completion. The survey is a project eligibility requirement for the Community Development Block Grant Residential Public Infrastructure Grant Program application grant requirements.
Through grant applications, the Noble County Commissioners are making every effort to minimize the financial impact on homeowners in securing public water access in the area. To be eligible for the state’s grant funding, Noble County must show that the households in the new service area are on-average low-to-moderate income. The information will be kept "confidential" and is intended for use only by the OSU Extension staff administering this program and state agency personnel responsible for program oversight.
For more information on the survey, contact OSU Extension Community Development Educator, Gwynn Stewart at 740-305-3177 or at