Lamb, Goat, Hog & Feeder Calf Tagging
Each 4-H/FFA exhibitor will be responsible for tagging their own market hogs, market goats, market lambs and feeder calves and turning in an identification card and photo of the animal with the tag in their ear by June 14, 2024 by 4:30pm
Your tags need to be requested by MAY 10th to your 4-H Club Advisor or FFA Teacher.
**Tags for Market Hogs, Market Goats, Market Lambs and Feeder Calves will be distributed back to you by your club/chapter advisor**
Each 4-H/FFA exhibitor will be responsible for tagging their own animal and turning in an identification card and photos of their animal with the tag in their ear by June 14, 2024 by 4:30pm. The responsibility of tagging the market animals is solely the 4-H or FFA member. When turning in pictures of the tag in the animal’s ear, make sure you get a picture of the tag in the ear and another picture should be a side view that shows color markings.
**Return all ID cards with photo(s) attached and un-used or broken tags to the Noble County Extension Office by June 16th. Place in black drop-box beside front door or ID cards and photos can be mailed to:
Noble County Junior Fair
PO Box 2
Caldwell, OH 43724
Failure to return cards by the stated deadline will forfeit your right to exhibit at the Noble Co. Junior Fair.