Building an Entrepreneur Friendly Community
The program provides the resources, training, and tools to develop community capacity to better understand and support the local entrepreneurial economy. Download a Curriculum Overview
Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Understanding Entrepreneurs
Module 2: Elements of a Successful Entrepreneurship Program
Module 3: Developing a Focused Entrepreneurship Strategic Plan
Customized Community Curriculum:
To Help Local Leaders:
- Understand the contribution of entrepreneurs to their local economy and jobs
- Identify and plan strategies that can help grow local entrepreneurs
- Position their community as an environment supportive of/conducive to entrepreneurial success
To Build Local Capacity to Promote Entrepreneurship through:
- Understanding of entrepreneurs’ needs
- Creation of a community economic profile
- Awareness of federal, state, and local programs that support entrepreneurs
- Creation of a strategic plan to create an entrepreneur friendly community
To learn more, contact Myra Moss, MS, MBA - Professor and Educator, Community Development at .
Building an Entrepreneur Friendly Community Ohio State University Extension Team Members:
- Nancy Bowen-Ellzey, CEcD - Associate Professor and Field Specialist, Community Economics
- Myra Moss, MS, MBA - Professor and Educator, Community Development
- Godwin Apaliyah, PhD - Educator, Community Development, Fayette County
- Becky Nesbitt, MS - Assistant Professor and Educator, Community Development
- Gwynn Stewart, MS - Educator IV, Community Development, Noble County
- Special thanks to Sandy Odrumsky, Office Administrative Associate, Community Development (Retired)